Exciting News! We're relocating to Mulberry Cottage, Goose Rye Road, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3RJ

Privacy Policy

Authorized use of customer's property

1ST Class Computer Services Limited (1CCSL) staff and authorized sub-contractors are authorized to use computers owned by customers to the degree that such use contributes to the tasks authorized by the customers or are required to troubleshoot, examine, repair, or test a computer system or other device capable of storing private or confidential data, or contributes to preventative maintenance on the computer or device. 1CCSL takes no responsibility for the failure of any hardware not purchased or currently under warranty from 1CCSL even if it fails while in our possession and no responsibility for any files that might be stored on any hardware. 


Policy on customer data 

By leaving a computer system or other digital device with 1 CCSL staff and authorized sub-contractors, the customer gives implied consent and unlimited access to all data, private or otherwise stored on the computer system.

1CCSL staff is required to treat all customer's personal information stored on computer hard drives, CDs DVD memory sticks, flashcards, or any digital format as confidential and are prohibited from viewing, copying, discussing, or distributing such data except as needed to protect data from deletion or damage, troubleshoot, examine, repair or test a device capable of storing such data or as required by law. The ultimate responsibility for data backup and storage lies with the customer.

1CCSL will act with due diligence to protect the confidentiality of any data left in its possession but will accept no liability for the loss or theft of such data.

Data – Any systems with any illegal material may be subject to reporting to the proper authorities. 1CCSL will not be held responsible for backing up or saving any content that is illegal or offensive in nature. 


Unclaimed systems

30-day limit; Systems and equipment that are not claimed within 15 days of notification may incur storage fees of £2.00 per day (unless other arrangements have been made in advance). Systems and equipment that are not claimed within 30 days of service completion (without prior arrangement) become the property of 1CCSL and can be disposed of or sold as they decide. Systems and equipment which the customer chooses not to repair (after diagnosis) are still subject to the diagnosis fee, even if the system is never claimed and is eventually disposed of (at the discretion of 1CCSL). The diagnostic charge may be credited towards subsequent work to replace the defunct system (within 30 days).

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